Chinese Checkers Online Game
Posted : admin On 4/12/2022Chinese Checkers - Try to be the first player to get all his/her marbles to the opposite side of the board in this online chinese checkers/marbles game. Do it by moving and jumping pieces, or get. Checkers is a popular classic board game for two players. The earliest version of a checkers style game has been around for more than 5,000 years. There are many variations of checkers which change rules, board size, and number of pieces. Tabletop Checkers incorporates 3 versions of checkers: American Checkers / English Draughts; International.

In this classic internet checkers You play against the computer.
Start the game moving the red 'men'. Click on a red piece to move, the background will turn green - showing the selected piece - then click on the square where you want to move. The computer will play its turn, and then it is your turn again.
This Internet Checkers version is ideal for beginners - it is easy to win. The player moves the red pieces by clicking on a selected piece, and then clicking on the target empty square.
Free Multiplayer Chinese Checkers Game Online
In this Internet checkers capturing opponent's pieces is optional.

If you read the description of 'checkers game' in the home page you will notice that the layout of this checkered board is wrong; The lower left square should be black and contain one of the pieces. In essence the game play is not affected, it is like playing using a mirror image of the original game.
This Internet checkers do not work properly with some browsers - you may notice some kind of bug or glitch under certain circumstances, but it is good enough for practicing game strategies.
Chinese checkers don't originate in the Orient. The game has its roots in a British game known as 'hoppity.' Whether playing a friendly game on your back porch or competing in a tournament, it's important to know the official rules for Chinese checkers. Knowing the official rules of the game allows you to avoid wasting time arguing over the rules.
Play Chinese Checkers Online, Chinese Checkers Nintendo / Famicom / NES game online through your browser including the old original classic and also new hacked ROMs. Chinese Checkers is a variation of the classic Chinese Checkers game. This is a fun and addicting game that helps develop your logic skills. Make those brain cells work hard! Clear as many pieces as possible in this highly entertaining board game. How to Play: Use your computer mouse to clear a piece by jumping over another peg. The idea of Multiplayer Chinese Checkers is to beat your opponent by clearing as many pieces as possible from the board. Unlike checkers, where only one move can be made in the forward direction, in this game, successive jumps are permissible wherever they can be made in any direction.
Initial Set Up
The Chinese checkers board is in the form of a six-pointed star with small divots for the pieces. Pieces are usually marbles, but sometimes pegs are used. Players start with their ten pieces all in the corner corresponding to their color. In a two-player game, players should play colors laying opposite one another. When three players compete, players must leave one empty space between each other. Chinese checkers cannot be a five player game, since this leaves one player competing against an empty side of the board.
Beginning the Game
Players may decide among themselves who will begin the game of Chinese checkers. If players prefer not to decide among themselves, a coin toss is the only method provided by the official rules of the game to decide what player will begin.
Chinese Checkers Board Game Online
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Each turn, every player may move one of her pieces to a space adjacent to it. Players also have the option to jump over marbles occupying adjacent spaces. While players may move only one of their pieces one space, players are allowed to make as many jumps as they like. In Chinese checkers, jumped pieces are not removed from the board. When a player's marker moves into the point of the opposite color, it cannot move out of this point. However, the piece can be moved within the point normally. Players can move pieces into the finishing points on the board that are not in use or the starting points of opposing players.
Play Chinese Checkers Game online, free
Chinese Checkers Game
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The first player to move all ten of his tokens to their destination has won the game. The official rules for Chinese checkers do not address situations where a player blocks the last remaining target space of a player who would otherwise win the game. However, Masters Games recommends that players in this situation be allowed to swap pieces on a move. Alternately, you can allow a player to win when all available object spaces are occupied. Again, the official rules of Chinese checkers make no reference to this rule one way or the other.